Expressions of Interest Expression of InterestProcurement packages(s) for the 55 Pitt Street Project Mirvac is committed to providing information about the upcoming tender packages for the supply of key goods and services for the 55 Pitt Street Project in an effort to afford full, fair and equal opportunities for Australian entities to procure and supply goods and services to the Project PART 1 LEGAL DETAILS OF YOUR ORGANISATION Organisation Name ACN/ABN Street Address City State Postal Code Country Website (If available) Next PART 2 DETAILS OF MAIN CONTACT PERSON First Name Last Name Title Phone Email Street Address City State Postal Code Country Next PART 3 DETAILS OF YOUR ORGANISATION AND RELEVANT OPPORTUNITIES Describe the goods/services provided by your organisation. Provide further details on the procurement opportunities (as listed on the 55 Pitt Street website) your organisation is interested in providing for 55 Pitt Street Project. If more than one, please detail. Procurement opportunities Next PART 4: STANDARDS AND PRE-QUALIFICATION I confirm that the organisation named above is capable of supplying its specified goods and services in accordance with all applicable Australian construction and engineering standards. I confirm that I have read and understood all of the pre-qualification requirements listed at and that the organisation named above meets all such listed pre-qualification requirements. I confirm that I understand that this expression of interest does not create any form of relationship or arrangement, or in any way form a legally binding agreement with Mirvac Construction or any related entity. I understand that Mirvac is open to providing all potential suppliers equal and fair opportunity, however progression to an invitation to participate in tendering for works on the Project is at the sole and absolute discretion of Mirvac Construction, and Mirvac Construction is in no way obliged to engage or consult with organisations whom may submit an expression of interest. If any of the above are not ticked, please outline details as to why: